So i figured my momma is pretty much a genius and gives me the best tips ever to get rid of smells, stains, decorating, cooking, baking, and they are amazing. So im going to start posting them, because im sure (hoping) that everyone else has these issues too. So hopefully they will help you as much as they help me. :)
So i have 2 scentsys in my house, and they are amazing, but i wanted an even stronger smell, especially for the holidays. I love having my whole house smell like cinnamon, pumpkin, anything that is holiday like. So here s my momma tip
Momma tip #1- For a strong smell of yummyness (angelika word) in your home. Go to wal-mart, smiths, micheals, roberts, anywhere really, go down there candle isle and find the liquid poppuri (spelling?). Then instead of buying a poppuri (again?) burner go home put you stove on simmer and pour a good amount of the liquid in there, then add things like clove, or cinnamon, like the seasonings you cook with and let it simmer. OMG it works so good. and the liquid poppuri is only like $3. so its perfect and it lasts quite awhile too. And if it starts running low i just add a little water too it instead of more of the liquid.
-don't forget to check it every once in awhile ;)