This is probably the second or third time i have been on here. And dont be offended if i dont add you it's not that i dont love you, it's just that i really have no idea how to add people. eek. any ways. I was at the mall last week with my husband, kainoa, and ian. we were just looking around, and i was left alone for awhile (fine with me) right in the halls of the mall, so i start walking toward the food court to get to sports authority, and all of the sudden my heart starts racing (fyi-my and erin share this same fear) there is a midget behind me taking those short quick steps. i started to break a sweat and deep breathing, i turn the corner and pretty much speed walk into the sports store and the midget walked the opposite way. whewww what a relief. i fear them. i know its mean. but i just can't help it. it scares me to the point i want to piddle myself, hover and rock in a corner. AHHHHHH!!!!