So I have been working for the same company as a receptionist/secretary for about 2 years now. I enjoy it a lot. It's very laid back, and i can pretty much do whatever i want whenever i want. I am now spoiled because of it. ha. But i graduated from UCMT as you all know by now, about 7 months ago. I worked at a spa for about 2 months and though i loved doing massage, i didn't quite fit it at that specific spa. So i quit. Before i start on the "big change" story i will give you some background on how i was offered this opportunity. So this company i work for RSI. They do stainless steel fabrication and installation, and we had placed a bid on doing all of the Stainless steel work for the new property of St. Regis Resort in deer valley, ut. We got the bid. And as soon as i saw the blue prints come in and saw the spa attached to it, i knew it was destiney. So while i was still attending school i made contact with the spa director in hopes i could get an "in" when they start hiring. So she told me to keep looking for an email, and at there job site to see when the job was available. So i did, and months went by and by and by and by. And last week i recieved an email asking me to come to an open interview in park city. So of course i was up there bright and early (2nd person there) and interviewed with a very nice lady, that i hit it off with quite well i thought. So she asked me to come do a hands on the spa director the next day!!!eeekkkk! Of course i accepted that offer and came the next day to do my hands on. I was so nervous, but felt quite comfortable. (sounds weird i know). So i arrive at the hotel to do my hands on and the room is completley empty except for to draped off areas and 2 ladies sitting at a table between the draped areas and a girl sitting next to the door. whom i was assuming was there for a hands on as well. So on of the ladies greets a girl that came in the door and brings her back to recieve a facial. And the other lady decides to come over and entertain me. I didn't know who she was, but i just started talking to her about massage and this job opportunity and at the end i shake her hand and she introduces herself as the assistant to the spa director, and at that moment i froze for a second and got a little scared. Then i felt a hand on my shoulder and this little blonde lady asks me if im ready to do the hands on. I stand up and say "of course". She introduces herself as the spa diretor of Remede' spa in the st.regis resort. She walks me back to the draped area and says you have about 15 min to do the massage and i would like work done on my pecks, shoulders, and neck. SWEET!!! So we begin and i give her the massage. I thought it was ok on my end, i wasn't quite satisfied with it. But she seemed to really enjoy it. I let her dress and she came out and shook my hand, and said she would call me in a couple hours to let me know if i had the job or not. My jaw dropped a couple hours, that is quick. I was relieved but nervous too. A couple hours went by and i was literally sitting on my couch at home with the phone on my lap. haha. the call finally comes. Me " hello", Nicole "Hey is angelika available", me "this is she", "hey angelika this is Nicole Miller from St.Regis you came in and gave me a massage a couple hours ago", Me " yeah, yeah i did" (so nervous), Nicole " well i was extremely impressed with your touch, and think you have an amazing talent, and i would love for you to share it with my team at st. regis, So i would like to extend this job opportunity as a full-time massage therapist, would you like to except?", me " YES!!!!!, seriously, youre not joking me?", Nicole "hahaha, no im not joking you". Me " yes i accept".
So people that is how it went, and i have now quit my other job i have been at for 2 years and am on my way to become a full-time massage therapist at the St. Regis Resort at the Remede Spa in Deer Valley, Ut. I stat training this week, and start at the hotel on November 29,2009. So wish me luck. This is a once in a lifetime opportunity to work for a spa like this, so i hope i do well, and i hope this is the right choice.