
Always Something New

You can't ever keep up with things these days. Honestly first it was E-mail, then MSN, then myspace, then facebook, and now blogging. Man it's a full time job keeping all of them up to date. Even though this says "the andersons" i bet a million dollars that nic will not ever write on here, and im ok with that, ha. I guess this is my first blogging experience, i'm just excited to be updated on all my friends and families lives, cause we are always at work or school, so this will be nice to have. :)


  1. Yeah. Finally you get a blog. I've been wondering when that day would come. Fun. Fun. Gay-lick-er!

  2. Angelika!!! I'm so glad you started a blog! Mine is jessrigby.blogspot.com

  3. YAY you have a blog too! I love you so much!
